Why is there no mention of the Matriarchs in the Shemoneh Esrei?
Why is there no mention of the Matriarchs in the Shemoneh Esrei?
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You are correct that the opening paragraph of the Shemoneh Esrei mentions “the God of Avraham, the God of Yitzchak and the God of Yaakov." There is no mention, however, of the Matriarchs, Sara, Rivka, Rachel and Leah. There are a number of explanations as to why this is so
One answer is that since the three daily prayers were instituted by the Patriarchs themselves, it is fitting to mention them (and invoke their merits) at the start of every Shemoneh Esrei. Indeed, we are taufght that prayers are often answered specifically in the merit of the Patriarchs. (1) This can also be seen from the episode of the burning bush. G-d told Moshe to tell the Jewish people, "You shall say to the Children of Israel… the God of your fathers, the God of Avraham, the God of Yitzchak, and the God of Yaakov, has sent me to you, this is My name forever, and this is My memorial for all generations." (2)
Another reason why only the Patriarchs are mentioned in the Shemoneh Esrei is that God spoke directly to each of them. With the exception of Sara, G=d did not speak directly to any of the other Matriarchs. (3) It should also be noted that the official name of the first blessing of Shemoneh Esrei blessing is actually "avot" ("Forefathers") which itself is an indication that only the Patriarchs are to be mentioned. (4)
Nevertheless, it can also be suggested that the Matriarchs are not completely excluded from the first blessing of the Shemoneh Esrei at all. The gematria/numerical values of "Elokei Avraham, Elokei Yitzchak, V'elokei Yaakov," has the same gematria as the Matriarchs. (5) There is also the teaching that due to the halachic principle of "ishto k'gufo," that a wife is an inseparable feature of her husband, every mention of a husband includes the wife.
It should be noted that it is forbidden to make changes, insertions, or alter the wording of the first paragraph of Shemoneh Esrei -- in any way -- from the way it was written by our sages.(6)
1. Shabbat 30a
2. Shemot 3:15.
3. Yerushalmi Sota 7:1.
4. Mishna, Rosh Hashanah 4:5; Megilla 17b, Rashi.
5. Aruch Hashulchan, OC 113:1.
6. Rambam, Hilchot Tefilla 1:9

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