Preparations for a Shabbos birth


If a woman feels that she might give birth on Shabbos, how can she prepare for it so as minimize Shabbos desecration?  


Dear …!

A woman at a late stage of pregnancy, if she feels she might give birth on Shabbos, should prepare everything ahead of time, so as to avoid carrying mukze items on Shabbos unnecessarily. Therefore, she should prepare a special bag, in which she should put all the necessary papers and the items she’ll need for the birth. For example, she should put her ID, her medical insurance card, etc., in the bag before Shabbos. Same goes for the things she’ll need while giving birth. If she thinks that she might need to call a doctor or ask for advice concerning labor, she should also pack a cellphone. She is not allowed to take items that she’ll need during he stay in the hospital after Shabbos. She should only take things that are absolutely necessary; it is forbidden to take things that can be received at the hospital.



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