When is one supposed to say the wayfarer’s prayer?


I always get confused about this; everyone I ask tells me something else. When is one supposed to say the wayfarer’s prayer? Someone told me it should be said only if one travels for at least 72 minutes one way. Another person told me that it should be said right away upon leaving the city. Could the Respectable Rabbi straighten this out for me? Thank you.


Indeed, there are different opinions regarding this matter. There is also some confusion between two factors: the trip that one takes that obligates one to make this blessing, and the place where the blessing should actually be pronounced.

According to the opinion of our mentor, the Great Rabbi Amram Fried shlita, the rule of thumb is this. If the trip is intercity and involves traveling a distance of at least 4.6 km (2.9 miles) through an area without human settlement, one is obligated to say this blessing. But the Sephardim pronounce this blessing only if the trip is at least 72 minutes long.

If the trip is such that one is obligated to pronounce this blessing, then it should be made as soon as one completely leaves the city (even though one hasn’t travelled 4.6 km), that is, as soon as there are no living quarters around.

Have a nice and safe trip!



Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, ch. 110, §§ 4, 7


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