Pumpng breast milk on Shabbat


Dear rabbi Ari slita, Can I pump breast milk on Shabbat with the intention of giving it to the child on Sunday morning? Thank U the answer!



Thank you for your question.

The answer is that one may not pump milk on Shabbos for the weekdays, even left-over milk, one has to pour out.

The reason for this stringency is that pumping milk is considered a melacha called “Dosh”. However, we are lenient in order to feed a child. Therefore, one is only allowed to pump milk for a child:

a. That does not want to, or does not know how to suck from his mother.

b. Hiis main nourishment is his mother’s milk and no other food like Maternah etc.

The best machine to use is an electric pump, the type that doesn’t need to be pressed by one’s finger in order to make it a vacuum (since this would be considered as having done part of the Me’lacha) same too an electric machine is better than a manual hand pump since using such a hand pump, one is doing a me’lacha each time one is pumping out milk.

Its important to note that when using the machine, one should prepare it by connecting it to a “Shabbos time switch” so it will go on and off automatically. On Shabbos before the machine is supposed to go on, one should fix the pump on oneself before it turns on, if however, one wasn’t able to do so and the baby needs to eat, then one may fix it on, even when the machine is already working.

If one does not have access to such a type of electric machine (one should try one's best to find one, there are local Ge’machim that lend it out for free) then one may use the hand pump or the electric one that needs to be pressed with one’s fingers, although when using it one should try and use it in a way of “shinuy” (not in the normal manner) when possible.

In a case one feels uncomfortable because of having too much milk, or in order to keep the milk flow coming, one may pump milk on Shabbos, only if it is “Le’ibud” (to waste). so, one would have to place a little soap in the bottle first and then pump the milk out. In this instance, since it is Le’ibud one may use either the manual or electric pump. One may place it on oneself even once the machine is already on, but of course, one may not turn on any electricity.


OC 330 and commenaries


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