Studying For a Test on Yom Tov
Hi, I was wondering if I am able to study A Level Biology on Shavuot since we have the exam the next day? Thank you
Thank you for your question!
As a general rule, one should spend Shabbat and Yom Tov immersed in spiritual pursuits, foremost in what we read. Ideally, one should only read Torah books on Shabbat. Nevertheless, it is not strictly forbidden to read all secular materials on Shabbat. Before addressing your biology book, let me mention other subjects to help clarify the issue.
Biographies of inspirational Jewish leaders are permitted, as well as Jewish books that help one become a better person and improve one’s character traits. This would include novels that are meaningful and inspirational. Cookbooks should be avoided. Sad materials, such as Holocaust stories and other tragedies, should not be read on Shabbat as we are to engage in pursuits that make us happy on Shabbat.
Nevertheless, while it might be best not to study for a secular test on Shabbat or Yom Tov due to the ban on “hachana,” which prohibits preparing on Shabbat for weekdays, one who really needs to study on Shabbat may be lenient.
OC 307:16; Mishna Berura 307:3,65, 308:164.

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