Kosher Shaving


I need a razor and I learned with my Rav that I need a razor that cut and doesn’t slice. Any recommendations?



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An electric shaver requires a certification from a reliable rabbinic organization.

For the benefit of readers, we will share some of the background to the question.

The Torah tells us that “You shall not destroy the corners of your beard.” (1)

The Talmud (2) explains this to mean that one only transgresses the prohibition if one uses a razor blade to shave the beard. It is explained that only a razor “destroys” the beard. Using a razor, is in fact, an especially severe transgression.

It is permitted, however, to shave with scissors. This is true even if the final result might look similar to having shaved with a blade. As the Ritva (3) writes, “According to the letter of the law, if one shaves with scissors, even in a way that is similar to a razor, it is permitted…However, it is customary among pious individuals not to do so.”

The halacha is in accordance with this view, and the Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law) allows shaving the beard with scissors even if it gets close to the face, appearing similar to a razor. (4)

This brings us to the modern-day electric shaver. Although it might not be readily apparent, electric shavers are not considered to be “scissors” from the perspective of Jewish law. This is because an electric shaver cuts the hair of the beard as a result of the movement of two components: the screen and the blade one lifts up the hair from below the skin and the second cuts so therefore it would be forbidden to use, it also cuts too close to the skin.

As such, one must only use a shaver that has a Reliable Rabbinic certification.


1. Vayikra 19:27

2. Makkot 20a; Nazir 39

3. Makkot 21a

4. YD 181.


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