Are Kohanim allowed to enter the necropolis on Beit She'arim


I would like to visit the beit she'arim necropolis and tour the inside of the necropolis. one of the items I really wan to see is the 7-ton piece of glass that some maintain is from the second temple period. I have read that many rabbanim were buried in the past the necropolis (;like R' Yehuda Hanasi). My question is simple: I am a Kohain. Are Kohanim allowed to enter the necropolis. No information exists as to status as to whether or not there are still graves in the cave system. No information exists as to whether or not Kohanim are permitted to enter and tour the caves. Any help that you can offer on the subject would be greatly appreciated.




Thank you for your question!

A Kohen is forbidden to enter any area known to have been used as a burial ground or burial cave. Hence, a Kohen may not enter the ancient burial areas of Beit She’arim that you refer to.

A Kohen must be at least four “amos” away from any grave or be behind a wall that is at least 10 “tefachim” high. So too, a Kohen may not walk under any item that form a covering over a grave, such as walking under a tree branch with a grave below it.

A Kohen may enter a cemetery if he remains in a car.

All of this applies to “kivrei tzaddikim,” as well. As such, a Kohen must not enter Mearat Hamachpela in Hebron, Kever Rashbi in Meron there is a special map where Cohanim may go, or Kever Rachel in Bethlehem.


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