Second Marriages
Why do Ashkenazim hold the wedding of a “second marriage” indoors?
Thank you for your question.
Yes, Le'halacha the wedding should be held indoors. There are a number of reasons for this. In a first marriage, the chuppa ceremony serves as the primary act that solidifies the marriage (kinyan). In a second marriage, however, it is the yichud room, the seclusion of the couple, that is the primary kinyan . Indeed, for this reason it might even be preferable to hold the wedding ceremony for a second marriage indoors in order to minimize the delay between the wedding ceremony and the yichud room! Nevertheless, it is completely permissible to hold a second marriage outdoors if the bride and groom so desire.
It is worth mentioning that there are a lot of differences in Halacha when doing a second marriage one can see all the details in Azamro lishmech (issue # Kislev תשפ"ג), or you can write to us with the details of the wedding, and the questions you may have and we can help you.
Pitchei Teshuva
, EH 62:1;
Likutei Maharich

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