Birth Control
Dear Rabbi, My wife and I are blessed to be expecting our ninth child. We have four boys and four girls, not counting the current pregnancy, as we do not yet know the sex of this child. As we consider our family's future, we are concerned about the financial and practical implications of having more children. We are not in a position to afford more kids after this one, and the situation is causing my wife extreme stress. Consequently, she is contemplating a permanent form of birth control. We seek guidance on this matter from a Jewish perspective. Could you please provide us with insight into what Jewish law says about permanent birth control in our situation? Thank you very much for your time and wisdom.
Thank you for your question.
After the arrival of this baby, take a break from having children for two years.
Then you should seek guidance from a competent Rav, who will hear you out and help you reassess the way forward. In the meanwhile, concentrate on your upcoming simcha, be joyful, and leave the future to the future.
May you be zoche see much nachas from all your children.
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