Question for Tisha B’Av
Quick question for you as we live in Israel and my wife wants to know for Tisha B’Av if there is a siren and if we have to run to the Miklat (it’s also ridiculously hot here these days so she is always getting dehydrated even with A/C ) and she’s on medications as well. She wants to know if she can do שיעורים over Tisha B’Av to try and fast for the entire day like she has the option to do on Yom Kippur? Thank you
Thank you for your question.
The laws of illness, dehydration, and by extension, when to break the fast are standard, and have no bearing on a siren or not.
If your wife has sensitive health issues and in the case of a risk of dehydration it would be permitted to break her fast, especially at time of stress and war.
When eating a drinking is permitted of Tisha B’av, the custom is not to require shiurim like on Yom Kippur. Once a person is allowed to eat on Tisha B’av, they may eat and drink what they need to keep well.

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