Pesach: Eating Matza
Is there a mitzva to eat matzah all of Pesach?
Thank you for your question.
There is an obligation to eat matza at the Pesach Seder(s). This is a biblical mitzva and its importance cannot be over emphasized.
However, there is indeed some confusion as to the status of eating matza during the remaining days of Pesach.
The Torah tells us, “For seven days, you shall eat unleavened bread . . .” (1) which seems to indicate that there is a mitzva, if not an obligation, to eat matza every day of Pesach.
However, there is another verse which states that, “On that evening, you shall eat unleavened bread...” (2) This verse refers to the first night of Pesach, namely at the Pesach Seder. Outside of Israel, where two Seders are held, this would apply to the second night, as well.
Is there a contradiction here? Is there a mitzva to eat matza all of Pesach or is it only on the first night?
Well, there’s a third verse that seems to help us make sense of this question. The third verse says, “You shall eat unleavened bread for six days and on the seventh day there shall be a holiday.”(3)
The Talmud derives from here that the obligation to eat matza is only truly at the Seder(s) but the Torah is reminding us that should we want to eat a “bread-type” food on Pesach we must eat matza. This is because the bread we are accustomed to all year long is chametz, and therefore forbidden on Pesach. But if one wants to spend the remaining days of Pesach eating eggs, cheese, fish, and meat, (the Atkins diet!), one would be permitted to do so. (4)
It is important to note, however, that one has an obligation to eat two meals on the festival days of Pesach (one meal at night and one meal during the day) and to eat three meals on Shabbat. Since a meal is defined as a “bread (or matza) eating session” one would be obligated to eat matza at these times during the course of Pesach. (5)
Nevertheless, there are a number of authorities who do insist that there is a mitzva, though not an obligation, to eat matza every day of Pesach. (6) As such, it is a nice thing to keep in mind when eating matza anytime throughout the holiday.
1. 1. Exodus 12:15
2. 2. Exodus 12:18
3. 3. Deuteronomy 16:8
4. 4. Pesachim 120a, Rambam, Hilchot Chametz U’matza 6:1; OC 475:7.
5. 5. OC 274
6. 6. Gra, Maase Rav 185

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