Erev Pesach Fast: C-Section Firstborn
Do I have to Fast on Erev Pesach on behalf of my firstborn son born via Caesarean section?
As you note, it is customary for firstborns, or their fathers if they are minors, to fast on Erev Pesach. The fast is meant to recall the miracle of how the Jewish firstborn were saved during the tenth plague in Egypt when all the Egyptian firstborn were killed.
Indeed, there is much discussion on a firstborn son who is born via Caesarean section. For example, a firstborn son via Caesarean is not considered to be a firstborn regarding the laws of inheritance in which a firstborn son gets more inheritance than other siblings. So too, a firstborn by Cesarean is not subject to the Pidyon Haben ceremony. We see from here that one born via Cesarean is not considered firstborn for several purposes.
On the other hand, firstborn Leviim and Kohanim are required to fast Erev Pesach even though a Pidyon Haben is not performed for firstborn Kohanim and Leviim, either. As such, perhaps a firstborn by Caesarean section is required to fast even though the Pidyon Haben is not performed.
So, is he considered firsrtborn for the purpose of having to fast or for a father to fast on his behalf on Erev Pesach?
According to Halacha, a firstborn by Caesarean section does have to fast and should endeavor to attend a siyum on Erev Pesach since he is considered the eldest child.

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