Jordan River Bracha


Dear Rav Is one allowed to enter the KKL Qasr al-Yahud site. According to some it a baptism place and where the Jewish people may have crossed the Yarden. If one is allowed to enter this site, can/should one recite the Bracha of עשה לי נס במקום הזה? With שם ומלכות, without?



Thank you for writing.

For the benefit of readers, let us briefly introduce the Qasr al-Yahud site which is not well known to most people. The site is located directly across the eastern entrance to Jericho on the banks of the Jordan river. It is administered by the JNF and Israel Ministry of Tourism making it a public park. At this time, it is considered safe to visit there.

As you correctly note, there is a theory that it is the site where Joshua entered the land of Israel with the Jewish people as recorded in Joshua chapter 3. In fact, a number of groups visit the site on the 10th of Nissan every year which is the day that the Jewish people crossed the Jordan and entered the Land of Israel for the first time. However one may not enter the actual site where the  Christians perform ceremonies in the water there.

One does not recite the blessing "Blessed…Who performed miracles for our fathers at this place" upon visiting a site.


OC 218


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