The Custom of Kapparot
1. When
Kapparot is traditionally performed on the eve of Yom Kippur. It mayalso be performed earlier during the Ten Days of Repentance. [1]
2. What
Initially, one should use a chicken.
A male (rooster) for a man and a female (hen) for a woman. If this is not possible, one may use fish or money.
3. How Many Birds
Most people follow the Arizal’s opinion that kapparot should beperformed for each family member individually, meaning, one chicken for everymember of the family. There are also those who take one male chicken for all the males in the family and one female chicken for all the females in the family.
4. Kapparot on Money
There is no fixed sum when performing kapparot with money. Some use the amount of money it would cost to purchase a chicken, approximately 30 shekels.
Others suggest using 18 shekels, as the Hebrew letters for this number (chet and yud) form the word ‘life.’ However, there is no strict requirement;
one may even perform kapparot for the entire family using just one shekel.
5. Text
If performing kapparot with money, instead of saying ‘this chicken will go to death,’ one is to recite ‘this money will go to charity.’
6. Ma’aser Money
Ma’aser money may not be used for kapparot.
7. Giving to the Poor
The money used for kapparot should be distributed to the poor. If a chicken is used, its meat should also be given to the poor, or one may donate the equivalent value of its meat.
8. Other Money
If performing kapparot with money, there is no requirement to give out the specific money/coins that were used. It is permissible to donate the same amount by credit card, bank transfer, and the like.
9. Yeshiva Students
If a yeshiva student does not have money for kapparot, his parents may perform it for him, reciting ‘this is a substitute for so-and-so, the son of so-and-so.’However, ideally, one should perform kapparot for oneself, which is the essence of the ritual. Only if there are no other options may one ask others to perform it on one’s behalf.
10. One Chicken for Several Men
It is permissible to use one chicken for several men simultaneously, but the same chicken should not be used again for someone else.
11. Pregnant Women
If a woman is less than forty days pregnant, she should take one hen. After forty days, she should also take one rooster in case her child is male. If her family custom is to take one bird for each family member, she should take two hens (for herself and in case she is expecting a girl) and one rooster (in case she is expecting a boy). If she knows the child’s gender, she should act accordingly.
12. Kapparot on Money for Pregnant Women
If a pregnant woman wishes to perform kapparot with money and her family custom is to perform the ritual for each family member individually, she should double the sum to atone for herself and her child.
13. Text for Pregnant Women
A pregnant woman should recite ‘this is our substitute…’
Rema 605 and Mishnah Berurah 2
Rema ibid
Mishnah Berurah ibid
Mishnah Berurah in paragraph 3 writes that if one is unable to take a chicken for each male family member, one chicken may be used for two men
Elef ha-Magen 605:11
Chayei Adam 144:4 and Mishnah Berurah do not mention a specific amount
Mishnah Berurah 6
Rema ibid
Since the specific money has no particular value or meaning
Mishnah Berurah 3
Mishnah Berurah

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