Accidentally Opened a Wrong Torah Scroll


On Chol HaMoed Pesach, two Torah scrolls were brought out for reading, and by mistake, the scroll that was rolled for the Maftir reading was opened. Is it permissible to switch the scrolls in order to avoid inconveniencing the congregation (by having them wait while the scroll is wound to the right place), or should one roll to the place of the reading and then also roll the second scroll for the Maftir reading? I would appreciate a response with sources, thank you.


The Kaf HaChaim brings a dispute in the law if a Torah scroll that is not wound to the right place for the day's reading was brought out, whether it is permissible to return it, due to the inconvenience of the congregation, or should it be left out and rolled to the right place — so as not to make it appear as if the scroll were defective.
And it seems that according to this logic, where one is planning to read from both scrolls, everyone agrees that he should close the wrong scroll and read from the correct scroll, because it’s obvious that there is no defect in the first one.


Kaf HaChaim (Chapter 144)


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