

I was sleeping and suddenly heard knocks. I thought my brother was coming. I went to the door but no one was there. After I stood puzzled by the door for 5 minutes, my brother ascended the stairs, telling me he had just started thinking about my opening the door for him. Does this mean I sensed my brother in my thoughts, and what does this mean according to Judaism?


Dear …!
There is no doubt that the case you are describing is very interesting. However, whether telepathy exists or not, and whether your case demonstrates the power of telepathy [there are many sources in Judaism that discuss the power of thought] or whether it was a mere coincidence, there is a Torah principle not to engage and dedicate thought to these things, because it is easy to slide from there into very bad and illogical subjects. And therefore, it is advisable not to deal with things that do not have a clear logical explanation.
Therefore, my suggestion is not to pay attention to this case and to continue with your life as before.


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