Eating at a Brit Milah Meal for Someone Who Observes a Yahrzeit Fast


I always observe a fast on the Yahrzeit (anniversary of death) of my father, and this year my brother is having a Brit Milah (circumcision ceremony) for his son on that day. Am I allowed to eat at the Brit Milah?


There is a dispute among the later authorities on this matter, and you may act according to your preference. Regarding your brother, it is permissible to eat.


Makom Shmuel (Chapter 80) as cited in Pischei Teshuvah (Yoreh De'ah Chapter 391, Subsection 8) permits it, but Eliyah Rabbah (Orach Chaim Chapter 568, Subsection 15) as cited in Rabbi Akivah Eiger (Yoreh De'ah Chapter 246, see Sfisei Cohen 27) forbids it. Similarly, Chayei Adam (Rule 132, Paragraph 37) implies that only the father of the son and the Sandak are permitted to eat.


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