Cannabis on Sabbath


Hello, I am treated with medical cannabis, suffering from anorexia, severe depression, anxiety, and more. On Sabbath, I tried to take oil but it doesn't help and I enter unpleasant states. So I light from a lit candle and thus smoke. Is this the correct thing to do?


The Sabbath is a source of blessing, and it is a very important and precious commandment, and it brings an abundance of blessings for physical and mental health, and it is very worthwhile to be meticulous in observing it properly. On the other hand, it may be that in the situation you described there is a life-threatening. Thus the matter requires a personal meeting with a Rabbi who will discuss the subject seriously, and examine your case. Even if you were to send documents by email, I think it would not be responsible to answer in such a way. May it be His will that you will soon merit a complete recovery from Heaven.


Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim, section 328).


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