Vacation for Parents from Tithe Money


Dear Rabbi! My parents are taking care of a sick infant and have taken time off from work, resulting in financial strain. Now they’re thoroughly exhausted. Am I allowed to use my tithe funds to finance their vacation? And does the fact that I live at home affect the law? I live at home, work, and have my own income that I am saving for a wedding and as a basis for future housing, when the time is right. However, I do separate tithes from my income.


If the parents are in need as you have described, there is a great mitzvah to financially support them, including in the case of funding their vacation if necessary. In the case of a vacation, it would be solely for the parents. However, regarding financial support, the fact that you benefit from living at home does not diminish your obligation and right to contribute to your parents when they are in need.


Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De'ah 251:3).


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