Tithing Money for Parents with a Sick Infant


Greetings, Rabbi! My parents are taking care of a sick infant and have taken time off work, causing financial strain. Is it permissible for me to give them my tithe money? And does the fact that I live at home affect the law? I live at home, work, and have my own income that I am saving for a wedding and as a basis for my future apartment, when the time comes. However, I do separate tithes from this money.


If the parents are in distress, they take precedence over anyone else. The fact that you live at home is only a reason to prioritize them even further. Generally, it is recommended to allocate 50% for the family and 50% for everything else. However, if your parents urgently need it, especially during a period of illness, it is appropriate to dedicate all or the great majority of the money to them.


Shulchan Aruch (Yoreh De'ah 251:3).


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