Uttering the Name of God in Plural



I wanted to know how it is permissible to say the word “Eloqim”, which is plural, this is polytheism! There is only one God!


The term 'Eloqim' means ‘The One Who rules over all powers’, and therefore it is generally expressed in the plural form. This is to differentiate it from 'Qel', which signifies the strong power without reference to other powers, and is expressed in the singular form. The name 'Eloqeinu' refers to the One who watches over us with individual providence, and therefore it always comes in relation to the one He watches over with personal providence — the G-d of Abraham, the G-d of Israel, our G-d.


Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chaim, Chapter 5, paragraph 1)


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