Is high blood pressure considered in the hands of Heaven or in the hands of man?


I am trying to get a job, and every time I'm called for an interview, my blood pressure rises to a high level, even though I am very young. I wanted to know if high blood pressure is a disease in the hands of Heaven and there is nothing to do about it, or if it is defined like cold and heat that are in the hands of man, because if I calm down and don't take every job interview to heart, my blood pressure won't rise. <br>


Dear …! <br>The answer can be divided into two parts. The fact that every job interview raises blood pressure probably indicates a tendency towards high blood pressure, and that is definitely in the hands of Heaven. <br>However, beyond that, a person who has a tendency towards high blood pressure has the duty to take care of his body and soul and must find ways to attain peace of mind. This can be achieved through studying the topic of trusting in G-d and that livelihood is from Heaven, personal work to internalize these concepts, prayers regarding tranquility and livelihood, as well as practices that promote physical relaxation and calmness, in consultation with a professional. And not working on these matters is definitely considered “cold and heat” (see Kesubos 30a) and is in the hands of man. <br>Wishing you good health, peace of mind, and abundant livelihood.


Kesubos 30a; Igros Moshe (Even HaEzer, vol. 4, Ch. 29).


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