Cleaning a Stain on the Floor with a wipe on Shabbat


Is it permissible to clean a stain on the floor with a wet wipe that has kashrus supervision for use on Shabbat?


I have no knowledge regarding the suitability of wet wipes for Shabbat, and I cannot express an opinion as I am not familiar with the specific product. However, if any moisture gets squeezed out of this wipe, it is prohibited for use on Shabbat. In order for a wipe to be permissible for use on Shabbat, one of the following two conditions must be met: a) The cloth does not produce any moisture, for example, if it was thoroughly dried before Shabbat, and the reason for using it is solely due to the type of fabric it is made of. b) The cloth is made of a material that does not absorb moisture at all, and the moisture stays on its surface, like it would stay on a leather garment, although I am not aware that such wipes exist. If indeed such a cleaning cloth exists, it is not prohibited to use it for removing stains from the floor on Shabbat.


Shulchan Aruch (Orach Chayim, Chapter 320, §17)


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