Blessing of Hamotzi when there is a need to relieve oneself


When one recites the blessing of Hamotzi while having a pressing need to relieve oneself, what should one do after using the restroom? Does one have to recite the blessing again?


One should wash his hands again with a blessing, as he has touched an unclean area. Additionally, one should recite the blessing of Hamotzi again, just as if one were to recite any other blessing while in a state of urgent need to relieve oneself and unable to restrain oneself, the blessing would be considered an abomination, and the person would not fulfill his obligation.


Shulchan Aruch, Chapter 92, Section 1; Biur Halacha, ibid, s.v. "af'ilu"; Mishnah Berurah, Chapter 165, Subsection 2


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