Lighting candles at an old age home


I usually light Shabbos candles at home according to the number of my children, but outside the house I only light two candles. Now I am moving to an old age home. How many candles should I light?


You should do as your heart tells you; the reason for this custom is not to expand that much effort outside the home, but to follow just the letter of the law. Therefore, if you feel that it is difficult to light more than two candles in your old age home, especially if all the women light together in the dining room, two candles are enough. On the other hand, it you feel that this is your home and want to light for each child, you can continue to do so. In particular, if you light in your own room and eat in your private room.


Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 263, §1


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