Eating fish that had been caught on Shabbos


I wanted to find out about fresh fish today, most of which comes from Egypt and what was caught on Shabbat comes to the wholesale market in Haifa on Sunday, and on Monday most of the merchandise in stores is what was caught on Shabbos. Is there a problem to buy fresh fish on Monday?


Dear …!
The prohibition of eating fish caught on Shabbos after Shabbos applies only to the Jew who caught the fish on Shabbos himself. However, another Jew is only prohibited to eat the fish on Shabbos day itself, but it is permissible to eat it after Shabbos.
In the case that you know that a Jew caught fish on Shabbos in order to have fresh fish on Monday, it would make sense to refrain from purchasing this product, but it is not a halachic prohibition. However, if it is indeed imported from Egypt, as you wrote, there is no problem with Arabs’ catching fish on Shabbos in this case, and there is no reason to refrain from buying this fish on Monday.


Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 318, §1


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