Buying an apartment with a X-mas tree


I found a great apartment for purchase. The only problem is that I saw there was an X-mas tree there. The current owners are half-Jewish, half-Christian and they celebrate everything. Is one allowed to live in such an apartment, or are there unclean spirits there, may Hashem protect us?  


Dear …!

According to the law, there is no prohibition and there is no problem at all to purchase such an apartment. And one should not be concerned with things that aren’t mentioned in the books of halacha. On the contrary, it’s actually very important to buy living spaces away from the gentiles and from the idolators in the Land of Israel, and to redeem it from them. This way you also fulfill the commandment of populating the Land of Israel.

On the other hand, it does say in the sources that the walls of the house absorb holiness or uncleanness. Therefore, it would be worthwhile for you to hold a housewarming with the words of Torah right away. Specifically, you should accept it upon yourself to treat your wife and the members of your household with respect and encouragement. Such a decision has the power to expunge the biggest spirit of uncleanness.

We can see this from what the angels asked Hashem, how is it that He permanently moved into this world, which is unclean. To which Hashem answered that He lives in the place of Aaron ha-Kohen, about whom it is said “he’ll see you and he’ll be joyful in his heart”. (When the leadership of the Jewish people was taken away from him and given to his younger brother, Moshe, Aaron was truly happy and encouraged Moshe from the bottom of his heart.)

I recommend that you accept upon yourself to learn Torah or halacha at a set time every day in your home. This was you’ll really have merited to widen the boundaries of holiness in the Land of Israel.

I wish you to settle very successfully in your new home.



Tractate Gittin 8b; Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, chapter 306, §11; Sod Razai (by the Rokeach) vol I, chapter 7.


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