Blessings confuse me — what should I do?


I started to keep the commandments of the Torah, and now I’m trying to understand, which blessings one should say over every type of food. The problem is that I get confused all the time. Do you have a method for remembering this?


It states in the Talmud that someone who wants to become a chasid (that is, a person who strives to do beyond what he’s obligated to do) should learn the laws of blessings and be thorough in fulfilling them. This is because when we get used to saying “thank you” for everything, we elevate ourselves to a higher level, and become closer to the Creator of the world.

All the beginnings are always difficult, especially when they involve a radical change of one’s lifestyle. In the beginning it seems totally impossible. But after a while, we get used to the new life, and we no longer understand what was so difficult in the first place. Everything becomes clear, easy and natural. The way to do it is by learning little by little; we go over one law every day slowly and deliberately, and suddenly we discover that we’re familiar with the whole body of the law!

There are many books (on the laws of blessings), and it’s difficult for me to recommend one of them without knowing exactly what your level of learning is. What I propose is that you walk into a bookstore, and check which books really speak to you. There is “Pninei Halachah — Brachot”, there is “Vezos haBrachah”, there are many other books that summarize the laws of blessings in concise and clear manner.

It's important to start by learning the laws of blessings over simple, natural foods, and then, little by little, to go on and learn the laws that deal with processed foods, with foods that consist of many ingredients and different salads.

I have a little tip for you. On some products, near the kashruth symbol there is writing in small letters that tells you what blessing you have to make over that food. For example, “ב. מזונות”, “ב. שהכל”, which means “its blessing is mezonos”, “its blessing is shehacol”. Most people don’t notice this, but when you get used to finding it, it makes your life that much easier.



Vayikra Rabba (19:2)


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