Israeli abroad – asking for rain  


(In Israel, the insertion “give dew and rain” is said starting on the 7th of Marcheshvan [this year – the 1st of November]. In diaspora, the recitation of these words begins on the 4th of December [some years – on the 5th].) When does an Israeli who went outside the Land of Israel on a trip begin reciting “give dew and rain”?


Dear …

Those who reside in the Land of Israel begin saying “give dew and rain” today (on the seventh of Marcheshvan). Those who reside outside the Land of Israel begin sixty days after the equinox [this year – on the eve of the 1st of Tevet]. Thus, someone who is currently staying outside the Land of Israel, does not begin saying “give dew and rain” in the blessing of “bless … this year and all kinds of crops”. Instead, in the blessing of “hear our voice”, after the words “turn us not away empty-handed”, he should insert the words “give dew and rain for a blessing in our Holy Land and in every place that needs it”.



Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, ch. 117


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