Didn’t say “give dew and rain”, and the time of that prayer passed


Someone forgot to say the words “and give dew and rain” (in the tenth blessing of the amidah prayer), and finished the prayer. Now by law he has to repeat the whole prayer once again to correct this mistake. But he got held up somehow and didn’t say the prayer on time the second time; and now the time when this prayer can be said has passed. For example, if he forgot to say the words in the minchah (afternoon) prayer, and did not repeat the prayer on time, and now the time for minchah is over. What is he supposed to do now?


Dear …

He has to say the next prayer (in your case, the maariv prayer) twice. The first time he should say it in the name of praying maariv, and the second time as compensation for having missed the previous prayer, since it’s considered as if he didn’t pray minchah at all.


Shulchan Oruch, section Orach Chaim, ch. 117 and ch. 108


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