Helping a gentile to emigrate to Israel


Is one allowed to help a family where one spouse is non-Jewish emigrate to Israel? Is there a difference, who the non-Jewish partner is, the wife or the husband? Thank you very much


It’s impossible to give a general answer to such a question. The situation is different in each case, and it’s highly recommended to seek advice from a rabbi who is familiar with this subject.

However, we do have to say, that there is definitely a problem with helping non-Jews emigrate to the Land of Israel. There is a very strict prohibition of letting them stay in the Land of Israel (mentioned in Deuteronomy 7:2). Besides that, there is the problem of assimilation/intermarriage and other issues, no matter which spouse is non-Jewish.

Besides that, each non-Jew that arrives here, afterwards brings his non-Jewish relatives to join him, which entails a whole lot of other issues. And all this is held against those who helped him come here. Moreover, mixed couples often divorce, non-Jewish spouse stays in Israel, and causes further intermarriage, G-d forbid.

In cases where one of these family members is interested in coming closer to Judaism, and his coming here would help him embrace religion more thoroughly, you need to ask a qualified rabbi. The question is also, how much exactly you should help them.



Maimonides, Yad ha-Chazakah, the Laws of Idol Worship, 10:4


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