Understanding the Significance of זן חזון אי"ש on Esrog Boxes


Hi I recently saw them selling Etrogim and it said on the box זן חזון אי"ש What does that mean? and why is it important?


Thank you for your question.

First, we have to understand that the Esrog tree is very delicate to grow and needs a lot of care to grow a good yield. Therefore, to make the Esrog tree stronger and easier to grow the farmers would cultivate the Esrog tree as a hybrid with a lemon tree. This makes the tree much stronger and easier to take care of.

However, according to Halacha an Esrog from such a hybrid tree should not be used, one should only perform the mitsvah of Arbah mi’nim with an authentic Esrog.

The reason for this is brought by the commentaries on the Shulchan Aruch:

1. 1. The Magen Avraham, Siman 648, Se'if 23, writes that since it has been cultivated with a lemon, it no longer possesses the characteristics of an esrog.

2. 2. The Maharam Alshich (Siman 110) and the Shut Rema (Siman 117), as well as the Sefer Shevus Ya'akov Volume 1, Siman 36, write that since the hybrid is a mix of an Esrog and a lemon, the fruit being taken is not truly an esrog, and the Torah specifies that one must take an esrog, not a mix.

3. 3. The Maharam Alshich provides another reason: since there is a mix of an esrog and a lemon, the lemon, which is not valid for the mitzvah of Arba Minim, diminishes the required size of the fruit, leaving it without the minimum required size of an esrog.

4. 4. The Taz (Siman 649, Se'if 3) writes that it is called an esrog which is incomplete, which le’halacha is called an 'esrog cha'ser,' and it is considered so deficient that even for the rest of the days of Succot, it would be pasul (invalid).

The Mishnah Berurah Siman 648 seif katan 65 writes in the name of the Magen Avraham (ibid) that there are certain signs that one can see whether the esrog is authentic or was grown as a hybrid with another fruit.

1. The original esrog has bumps all along its skin, whereas a hybrid esrog is smooth

2. The stalk of the original esrog is sunken in, whereas the hybrid sticks out

3. The original esrog has very thick skin, whereas the hybrid has thin skin.

Nevertheless, the Mishnah Berurah writes in the name of the Chasam Sofer and the Bikurei Yaakov that one should not rely on these signs, and according to Halacha, one should only buy an esrog that is certified to be an authentic esrog. Only b'sha'at hadchak and b'dieved may one rely on these signs.

In 1931 when the Chazon Ish arrived in Eretz Yisrael, he took it upon himself to educate those working the land about the Halachot of agriculture in Eretz Yisrael. Throughout the long exile, Am Yisrael had not lived in Eretz Yisrael as a nation and were therefore ignorant of the specific laws that apply when growing food in Eretz Yisrael, such as the laws of Terumot and Ma’asrot. He also emphasized the importance of observing the Shemittah year. He would travel across Eretz Yisrael to teach and encourage Jews to adhere to these laws.

He also noticed that all the Esrogim grown in Eretz Yisrael at the time were hybrids with lemons, which was the common method for growing Esrog trees, as previously explained. The Chazon Ish then searched for an authentic Esrog tree which he found Beis Lechem. He plucked the Esrog, removed the seeds, and the next day approached his student, Harav Michel Yehuda Lefkovits, who lived in Bnei Brak (who was the Rosh Yeshivah of Yeshivas Ponevitch Yeshiveh Ke’taneh) and had a garden. He asked him if he could plant the seeds in his garden. Harav Michel Yehudah said “But Rebbe, I don’t know anything about growing fruit trees especially not the delicate Esrog tree” The Chazon Ish replied, "Plant it, and it will grow!" That is precisely what happened. Harav Michel Yehuda planted the seeds, watered them, and they grew into beautiful Esrog trees producing authentic Esrogim, certified by the Chazon Ish.

Farmers who wanted to grow an Esrog orchard would come to Harav Michel Yehuda, and take a shoot from his trees, and that is how they knew that the Esrogim that they were growing was authentic and kosher

So when you see an esrog box labeled זן חזון אי"ש, it signifies that the etrog originates from the tree that the Chazon Ish declared authentic and kosher.


  1. Magen Avraham, Siman 648, Se'if 23
  2. Maharam Alshich, Siman 110
  3. Shut Rema, Siman 117
  4. Sefer Shevus Ya'akov Volume 1, Siman 36
  5. Taz, Siman 649, Se'if 3
  6. Mishnah Berurah, Siman 648, Seif Katan 65
  7. Chasam Sofer (referenced in Mishnah Berurah ibid)
  8. Bikurei Yaakov (referenced in Mishnah Berurah ibid)


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