Conversion: Sponsoring Rabbi


Dear Rabbi; I am in the process of converting to Judaism (orthodox), and I really need some help and assistance with finding a sponsoring Rabbi! I live in Chicago, and the CRC told me that they will work on finding me a sponsoring Rabbi and in the meantime I’m trying to help them out. I’d like to see where else I can possibly find a rabbi that will resonate with me. I’ve already had my meetings with 2 very nice rabbis that I know from Rogers park and Lincolnwood; both have extremely busy schedules, and I completely understand!! Any help or suggestions on what to do next would be much appreciated! Thank you so much for your time!



Thank you for thinking of us.

We do not get involved with conversion assistance. We only answer questions on Jewish law. Indeed, the CRC must be the body to finf you the sponsoring rabbi that they approve of. It might take  while...but you are in good hands with the CRC.

Good luck on your journey!


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