Abrahamic Covenant


Rabbi, I am ill learned and informed on Judiasm. What has happened in my family is my spouse, a reformed Jew, decided to convert to Christianity. While there are things we disagree on, of course with his conversion. I can not respond to his interpretation of the Abrahimic covenant. He was converted because they told him that Hashem passed through the covenant path twice, he volunteered to die for Abraham and his descendents failure to keep the covenant. I have been trying to find an answer for this but being one who has never studied I don't know where to look. I just know that he has been mislead and now talks like one who is in a cult with so much circular reasoning you might as well be talking to a wall.



Thank you for your question.

Although I do not truly understand what you are asking (nor do I care to comment on Christian beliefs), it is important to know that a Jew is forever a Jew any conversion to another religion is not valid according to the Jewish Halacha.

It seems impossible to live with a spouse who practices a different religion.

You might want to ponder whether the marriage is worth keeping.


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