Origins of the Chinese


Shalom. I've never been given a plausible answer to my question of who the crocked eyed, or anyway like the common looking way of chinese etc, are descendents of? The way they look, what origin is that of? To me it's clouded in a mystery origin. They can, many of them look like with black African facial features. Please explain. ....of Ham, Shem or jafet are those facial features of? Kol tov Chaim Jeshurun



Thank you for your question.

We first find the word “Sin,” possibly referring to the Chinese nation, as descendants of Noah’s son Ham. (Genesis 10).

There is also the view of the Torah Meira, among others, that Magog, the son of Yefet was connected with the land of “Sin.” According to this approach, the Chinese are descendants of Yefet.

Similarly, the Talmud Yerushalmi Masechet Megilla (12a) has an extensive discussion of the primordial seventy nations of the world. This is available in English by means of the “Artscroll” edition of the Talmud Yerushalmi. It cites a view of Rabbi Aharon Marcus in his “Kesset Hasofer” who posits that the descendants of Magog (again, who are descendant of Yefet) can be identified with the Mongols. Indeed, “Mongols” is very possibly a corruption or “Asianization” of “Magog.” As we know, the Mongols lived near China. He also notes that Arab writers have historically referred to the Great Wall of China as the "wall of Magog."

It is also worth mentioning that there is a Chinese tribe known as the “Chiang tribe.” The Chiang claim to be descendants of Abraham (Avraham Avinu). They are known to have the “Jewish character traits” (See Yevamot 79a) of integrity, loving kindness, modesty, shyness, and gratitude.” They have a number of similarities in their religious way of life to Judaism. They believe in one G-d (something quite rare in the Far East) and designate worship of him on a mountain.

However, as you write, the bottom line is that the origins of the Chinese, and most other nations for that matter, remain a mystery.


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