Prayer For a Sick Father


What to do when sb father is at the risk of fatality illness and how son can help? What specific chapters of tehillim to read etc? How son can help?



Thank you for your question.

We hope that your father gets well soon.

Let us begin with a gentle reminder that visiting the sick is a very important and a very big mitzva (perhaps one the greatest acts of kindness a person can perform!). This is especially true when the sick person is a parent. So visit often if you can.

Now we will turn to actually praying for the sick. Praying for sick is very important too, even if one is unable to visit them. It is interesting to note that while prayer in Hebrew is always to be preferred, one may pray in any language when actually in the presence of the sick. This is because Hashem’s presence is with those who are ill and one may pray in any language when standing in the presence of Hashem. (YD 335:5). 

So too, when praying for one who is sick in their presence, one need not mention their name and one can just pray for their recovery without mentioning their name. When not in the presence of the sick person, one should mention their name and their mother’s Hebrew names (Aruch Hashulchan, OC119:1)

As you correctly note, reciting Tehillim/Psalms for those who are ill is an ancient custom. The Gesher Hachaim (a famous work dealing with end of life issues) suggests the following eighteen chapters of Tehillim. 2,6,13,22,25,30,32,38,69,88,102,103,107,116,118,142,143,130. One who wishes to recite even more should consider the following chapters: 9,16,17,18,23,31,33,36,3,41,4,55,56,86,89,90,91,104. There are other customs, as well.

There is a custom to add a name to one who is very ill. But one must discuss this with a rabbi before doing so. (Rema, YD 335:10)

Wishing you good news!

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