Giving tzedaka


When i daven, i many times leave some loose change next to me for tzedaka collectors to take when they make the rounds. Sometimes the guy sitting next to me gives my money to the collectors. Does he get "sachar"-reward for that?



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Rabbi Chananya Ben Akashya taught us: The Holy One Blessed Be He wishes to bestow merit upon the Jewish People, therefore he gave them so many mitzvot within the Torah...

Among the interpretations of this famous passage, is that God looks for excuses to award the Jewish people. This includes mitzvot that are not truly categorized as mitzvot, or not explicitly cited as such.

This teaching can be applied to you and your friend. You provide the money for Tzedaka, and of course, that is the primary mitzva. But if your friend helps facilitate your money going to the tzedaka, I am sure that God will grant him reward as well!


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