Survived Accident/Financial Troubles


Hello my name is Allan and I’m Jewish. I’m in horrible financial situation. I’ve lost my job and have been a terrible car accident that caused my car to be totaled. It left me alive and concussed. I’m counting my blessings.



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I am terribly sorry to hear about your financial situation. May God speedily give you all your needed sustenance.

Regarding your terrible car accident, perhaps consider making a “Seudat Hodaa,” (a meal of thanksgiving), for having survived. We need to show thanks for all such things even if other things aren't going as good as the could be.

A Seudat Hodaa need not be an elaborate meal. It can be a gathering of any kind where one publicizes and thanks God for the good fortune of coming out of a serious accident without major injury.

One of the sources for holding such a gathering is based on the words of King David who said, “I will thank God greatly with my mouth, and among the multitudes I will praise Him” (Psalms 109:30). We learn from here that one should tell others of one’s good fortune, especially where it is clear that there was some Divine Providence. We should make such things public.

As mentioned, it could be a small gathering, though there is some importance to having a minyan, ten men present, but even having three people is worthwhile. It need not be a full meal either, snacks and drinks will also suffice. In addition to a speech describing your experience, it is appropriate to recite some Psalms (especially Psalm 100 and 107) and sing appropriate songs.

Alternatively, one can forgo the Seudat Hodaa and simply give some charity money to support Torah study and say to yourself "I am giving this money in place of a thanksgiving offering which I would have brought in the Holy Temple." When doing this, one should still recite Psalm 100 and tell people about your miracle.

Allow me to tie this all together with your unfortunate financial challenges right now. It is believed that when one holds a Seudat Hodaa/publicly acknowledges God for His kindness, it is said to arouse continued good fortune! May it lead to blessing and turnaround for your financial challenge.


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