A Blessing for the Death of a Dog


Can I say the 'death blessing' for the death of my dog?



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You must be referring to the blessing of “ baruch dayan ha’emet” which is recited upon the death of a close family member.

Whether one should recite the blessing on the death of the dog would depend on the following considerations.

The Biur Halacha writes:

"When one is informed that one’s wine has spoiled, one recites the blessing Dayan ha’emet . This is also true if all of one’s possessions were burned or if one’s animal died and all other similar situations in which one is distressed."

It would appear from here that one who is distressed by the death of one’s dog would be permitted to recite the blessing when it dies.

However, there are those who argue that the context of the Biur Halacha’ words would not include a dog. It is noted that the other cases listed by the Biur Halacha have the common denominator of being a great loss. In those days, animals were often one’s only source of income. The death of an animal, especially a cow or goat, was often financially devastating. The same cannot be said about the death of a dog. However, if the dog was a rare species or perhaps the death of blind man’s guide dog, it would be indeed be a situation of extensive financial loss, as such dogs are very expensive to replace and to train, and would fit in to the Biur Halacha’s criteria.

Nevertheless, there is justification to recite the blessing over any type of bad news or experience, especially if one does so without including “shem u’malchus,” God’s name, and the death of one’s pet dog would be included here.

While it is not common to recite any blessing or prayer upon the death of one’s dog, there would be no problem with saying the “baruch dayan ha’emet” blessing without God’s name.


Biur Halacha 222, s.v. “Dayan.”

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