The Book of Ben Sira


Is the Book of Ben Sirah holy? Thank you.



Thank you for your question.

The book of Ben Sira, also known as “Ecclesiasticus” is a collection of proverbs and ethical teachings. It discusses money, relationships, etiquette, business, and even table manners! It is clear that the book is largely based on Torah sources. It was originally written in Hebrew and then translated into Greek.

Some of the issues with the legitimacy of the book however, include the mystery as to who authored it. Some say that it was authored by the son of Yirmiyahu the prophet, but no one really knows.

Because of the questionable authorship, the book of Ben Sira is not included in the Jewish canon. So too, the books of the canon are considered to have been written under divine influence (“ru’ach hakodesh”) while Ben Sira was not.

There is also a teaching in the Talmud that “those who study external works have no share in the World to Come” and some say that this is a reference to the book of Ben Sira. Other authorities permit reading it and it has even been cited as bathroom reading.

Nevertheless, the book of Ben Sira is cited in the Talmud numerous times and some of its advice has been adopted by the sages. Many don’t know that the famous teaching of: “The worst thing is a groom who lives in his father-in-law’s house,” “A guest must not invite another guest,” and “Never answer before the other person has finished speaking” come from the book of Ben Sira.

So no, the Book of Ben Sira is not holy. It's status is turbulent and controversial and therefore one who chooses to read it should approach it with caution.


Sanhedrin 90a, 100b; Tosafot, Bava Kama 92b; Bamidbar Rabba 14:4; Kohelet Rabba 12:12; Tiferet Yisrael , Sanhedrin 10:8;

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