Tell Me About Conversion


I want to know about conversion to Judaism



Thank you for your question!

It is wonderful that you believe in the One God of Israel...the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob.

There is no need for you to convert to Judaism.

Judaism believes that God loves all mankind. One does not need to become Jewish to go to heaven. All that God wants from the Non-Jewish world is that they observe 7 precepts, or commandments. They are known as the “Noahide Laws.” They are called “Noahide Laws” because the requirement to observe these seven laws was given Noah, a righteous non-Jew (yes, the fellow from the story with the flood).

The 7 laws are:

1. Don’t murder.

2. Don’t steal.

3. Don’t worship false gods.

4. Don’t be sexually immoral.

5. Don’t eat a limb from an animal that is still alive.

6. Don’t curse God.

7. Establish a system of justice.

Any human being who observes these laws goes to heaven. There is no need to follow any other religion. You can pray to God in your own words and your own language.

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