What is Yom Hameyuchas?
Hi! can you tell me what Yom Hameuuchas is? TY! Ross Baker
Thank you for your question!
The name “Yom Hameyuchas," meaning “The Distinct Day," refers to the second day of the month of Sivan. This year it is on Shabbat, June 8, 2024.
Yom Hameyuchas finds itself between Rosh Chodesh Sivan and the start of the “shloshet yemei hagbala“, the three days which Moshe told the Jewish people to use to prepare themselves for receiving the Torah (which likely took place on the 6th of Sivan). The Talmud teaches us that any day that is sandwiched between festive or distinctive days is also to be considered a festive day, as well. Indeed, we learn from here that simply attaching something or someone to something special makes it special, as well!
It is on this day that Moshe Rabbeinu told the Jewish people that they are to be a “Nation of Priests” and “Holy Nation” (Exodus 19:6 with Rashi). The Jewish people responded with the celebrated cry “Na’aseh V’nishma” - “Everything that God has commanded we will do!” (Exodus 19:8).
This special exchange was designated as “Yom Hameyuchas.”
It is also explained that the true translation of “Meyuchas” is “lineage” or “pedigree.” As such, Yom Hameyuchas is an opportunity for us to reflect on the fact that when it comes to Torah it is NOT your lineage that makes you special, but rather your dedication to Torah and mitzvot. This is an important message in advance of Shavuot. Every person can create his own special lineage and pedigree! Any Jew who keeps the Torah has “Yichus!”
Finally, Yom Hameyuchas is always the same day of the week as the upcoming Yom Kippur.
Shabbat 86b; Taanit 18a; Aruch Hashulchan, OC 494:7.