Grocery Store Halacha


Sometimes when shopping, I see items on sale such as fruits, and I put some in a plastic bag, but as I am shopping I suddenly have to go somewhere else, and leave the bag with the fruit in the refrigerator, and the rest of the items on their respective shelves, so my question is, if there is an obligation to pay for items that you select specially in particular such as these fruits.



Thank you for your question.

There are all kinds of reasons why people decide to put back items they already put in their shopping cart. The grocery store is well aware that people do this and they accept this as part of the reality of doing business. There is no obligation to purchase the items just because they spent some time in your shopping cart.

I will add that I am impressed that you make the effort to put the items back to their proper places. This is indeed a mitzva and others should follow your example.

For further study: Choshen Mishpat 200

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