Living a Healthy Lifestyle


Are we not required to live a healthy lifestyle as per the verse "V'Nishmartem M'od es Nafshoseichem," and other verses?



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Yes. We fully agree that a healthy lifestyle is a halachic lifestyle.

I will share with you and our readers some important teachings form the sages on the issue:

· One must love one’s body more than one loves one’s money. One who does not guard oneself from harmful things is one’s own enemy, will be held responsible for one’s death, and will be forced to answer for all the lost time one caused oneself. Do not put yourself at any risk in the pursuit of a livelihood. One who always keeps the mitzva of “v’nishmartem” in mind will be protected and blessed ( Pele Yoetz , Ahavat Atzmo ).

· We are commanded to conduct ourselves in a manner that preserves our health so that we will be healthy and strong to serve the Creator (Tur, OC 155; Mishna Berura 155:11).

· Do not destroy anything that I have created [including yourselves] ( Kohelet Rabbah 7:13).

· Rav Huna asked his son Rabba why he did not attend the lectures of Rav Chisda. Rabba replied, “Why should I go to his lectures? He only speaks about secular matters!” Rav Huna replied, “He teaches you how to be healthy and you call that ‘secular?’ You should certainly be going to his lectures!” ( Shabbat 82a).

· A danger to one’s health is more serious than a Torah prohibition ( Chullin 10a).

· People need to take precautions to protect themselves from becoming sick ( Vayikra Rabbah 16:8).

· A person is not allowed to injure himself ( Bava Kamma 91b).

· Someone who is careless with his health is no more than a complete fool ( Mesilat Yesharim , ch. 11).

· He who endangers himself displays contempt for the Creator and shows that he has no interest in serving Him or in receiving His rewards. There is no greater heresy than this ( Be’er Hagola , CM 427:90).

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