Plural Words That Are Really Singular


Hello! You have Hebrew words that are written in plurality but actually singular if translated to English, like face, Elohim, and Abraham. Is it true that the verb dictates if the Hebrew word is plural or singular?



Thank you for your question!

You are referring to the phenomena known as “pluralis excellentiae” to the perceived anomaly and contradiction where words that appear plural are really singular, and sometimes the reverse.

This is why God’s holy name of “Elohi-m” appears to be in plural even though it I singular, of course, as there is only One God. Even the more common “Adona-i” is plural as it truly means “my masters.” But again, these are just anomalies in the Hebrew language.

Other such example can be found in Deuteronomy 5:23,1 Samuel 17:26, 36, 2 Kings 19:4, 16, Psalm 7:10, Isaiah 19:4, 37:4,17; Jeremiah 10:10, 23:36.

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