Dina: Daughter of Yakov


Shalom! Dear Rabbi, Why the sages and Rashi ask where was Dinah at the episode of Jacob encounter with Esau when the Torah clearly says that she was part of the 11 children of Jacob mentioned on Genesis 32:23???? (Benjamin was not born yet). Rashi on Genesis 32:23 ואת אחד עשר ילדיו. וְדִינָה הֵיכָן הָיְתָה? נְתָנָהּ בְּתֵבָה וְנָעַל בְּפָנֶיהָ, שֶׁלֹּא יִתֵּן בָּהּ עֵשָׂו עֵינָיו, וּלְכָךְ נֶעֱנַשׁ יַעֲקֹב שֶׁמְּנָעָהּ מֵאָחִיו, שֶׁמָּא תַּחֲזִירֶנּוּ לַמּוּטָב, וְנָפְלָה בְּיַד שְׁכֶם (בראשית רבה): ואת אחד עשר ילדיו AND HIS ELEVEN CHILDREN — But where was Dinah? He placed her in a chest and locked her in so that Esau should not set his fancy upon her (desire to marry her). Thanks a lot Alex


Alex, shalom!

Thank you for your question.

Recall that Jacob had 12 sons and 1 daughter.

So, at the time of the verse you question, the verse should have said "...and his 12 children." The fact that it says 11, when there really were 12, leads to the question of "Where was Dina?"

The answer is, as you notes, that she was hidden in a box so as not to be seen by Esav.

Hope this helps!


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