Conversion: Alternative Lifestyle


hi. i hope this isnt a bother but ive always felt drawn to judaism, like since i first learned what religion was. im 17 now and have been wanting to convert for 5 years now. judaism just feels like home, its the only religion i feel as if i belong to. however im from sweden and the closest synagogue is 5 hours away, which makes it very hard. and to add to that i am a trans man, im not even sure if i would be accepted if i went there. it would obviously hurt but i totally understand if i would not be accepted into the jewish family because of it. what do you think i should do?



Thank you for writing.

Even living as a non-Jew one can experience a completely spiritual life and still go to heaven! One must simply believe in God and keep the “Noahide Laws” – seven easy rules. Look it up.

See also for more information on a non-Jew’s relationship to God.


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