Dating a Non-Jew


Hello, dear Rabbi. My name is Dina and right now I found myself in a difficult position… let me describe it shortly. I met this nice gentlemen few month ago. He is not Jewish and I was wondering at myself that I shared my number with him. I don’t know what I was thinking of but I did. So everything have been developing pretty fast between us and he said he wants to marry me. He knows that I am observing Jew so for me is important that my husband is observing jew as well. He said he is ready to convert to Judaism and he even started to take day parshah classes with rabbi. He stopped eating pork and try to be kosher. Please Rabbi tell me if this is a risky business to build a family with person who doesn’t have a clear idea about our traditions and customs but excited to be a Jew. I don’t have examples from my life about such situations.. that’s why I found myself here, asking your help. I want my kids be righteous orthodox Jews and I am wondering if this is possible at my case.. thank you!


Dina, shalom!

Thank you for your message.

I would strongly recommend that you break off this relationship.

Explain to this gentleman that while he is a fine person, and might even make a fine husband, it is not possible to have a roper Jewish home, family, and children with him.

Your desire for a proper Jewish home is wonderful - and you deserve it!  You should reach out to your rabbi and explore "Shidduchim" - having people help you find a proper spouse.

Take my will be much happier in the long run.


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