Shabbat: Drinking Water in the Afternoon


What is the custom about not drinking water shabbos afternoon?



Thank you for your question.

Indeed, there is a lesser-known custom not to drink water between sunset and nightfall on Shabbat afternoon. Although very mystical in nature, it is explained that the souls that are freed from the torment of Gehenom each week, before the start of Shabbat, begin returning to Gehenom --through natural sources of water-- as Shabbat ends.

It is said that drinking water at this time is “dangerous” and that it can harm the souls returning to Gehenom. It is also explained that the souls of the dead drink water and even wash in it during this time. Therefore, drinking the water is also considered to be stealing from the dead.

Most authorities rule that the custom not to drink water after sunset on Shabbat afternoon only applies to drinking water directly from natural sources. According to this approach, it does not apply to bottled water, or water that is otherwise found in one’s home, though some include such water, as well. There are also those who say that the custom does not apply to water consumed during a meal, but only to water that one drinks on its own. Finally, some hold that the custom only applies during the twelve months of mourning for a parent or during the thirty days of mourning for all other relatives.

Nevertheless, most people do not subscribe to this mysterious custom and do not hesitate to drink water after sunset on Shabbat afternoon and the halacha is in accordance with this view.


Sources: Tosfot, Pesachim 105a; Rema, OC 291:1; Kaf Hachaim, OC 291:17;  Aruch Hashulchan, OC 299:1.


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