When Should I Recite Mincha?


What is the best time to daven mincha?



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In some way, Mincha may very well be the most important prayer of the day. As the Talmud teaches, “A person should always be careful to recite the Mincha prayer, for we find that the prophet Eliyahu was only answered through the Mincha prayer” (Berachot 6b). As such, it is important to know the halachos of Mincha, and the timing is a great place to start.

Most authorities are not too particular as to when Mincha is to be recited each day and rule that any time in the afternoon is just as good as any other. Normative practice is in accordance with this view. (1) Indeed, everyone agrees it is better the recite Mincha with a minyan at any time in the afternoon rather than to recite it alone at a “preferred” time in the afternoon.

Nevertheless, we do find some authorities suggesting that, Mincha should ideally be recited in the latter part of the afternoon. This is defined as being after nine and a half hours into the day (2). Nevertheless, it is completely permissible to recite Mincha any time from six and a half hours into the day and onward. (3) One who accidentally recited Mincha after the sixth hour, but before six and a half hours, has discharged his obligation, and need not repeat the prayer.(4) Mincha should always be completed before sunset (5) If there is a Minyan within 13.5 minutes after shekiah one should daven with the minyan. since i n an emergency, Mincha may be recited until slightly before nightfall, up to 13 and half minutes after sunset, if needed. (7)




[1] Mishnah Berura 233:14; 

[2] Rambam, Hilchot Tefilla 2:2,3; OC 233:1 A halachic hour refers to the time between sunrise and sunset, divided by 12. Thus, if sunrise is at 6 a.m. and sunset at 6 p.m., a halachic hour is 60 minutes.  Some authorities rule that this calculation should be made using the hours between dawn and nightfall.

[3] OC 233:1; Mishna Berura 233:1

[4]  Mishna Berura 233:2

[5 ] Mishna Berura 233:14

[6]  Mishna Berura 233:14; Shaar Hatziun 233:21

[7] Mishna Berura 233:14. 


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